The Skill of Self Confidence
Feb 17, 2023One thing that will make a profound difference in your life is having confidence.
The important thing to know is, confidence isn’t captured, it’s created.
And if you need to grow in that area, the good news is that confidence is a skill that you can develop. It’s not an inborn quality that some people have and others don’t have the capacity for…
It’s like any other skill. Some people might be a “natural” at basketball, for example. But just because you have to work at it doesn’t mean that you can’t excel at it with a little practice!
How do you build that skill? Watch this video to find out…
The truth is, they call it building confidence for a reason. You have to grow through DOING, you can’t have real confidence without doing the work and taking the risks first.
As you grow in confidence, fear will have less of a grip on you. You’ll stop doubting yourself, and the opinions of others won’t cause you to second-guess yourself.
Will people react to your newfound confidence?
Yes, and not always in a good way.
Confidence is like a mirror… some people will see themselves in you and strive to rise to the same level.
Others reflect their dirty pain back on you and respond with anger, resentment, and envy.
Living true and letting your light shine will attract both types of people…
And it’s important to remember that true confidence will inspire others. There will be people who warm themselves by your fire, so that they can go out and warm others with their own.